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Sometimes it happens that customers, before booking, send us requests asking us if it is possible to stay at the Relais bringing their four-legged friends with them. But hear this: in a place of peace and love like ours, how could we ever deny access to your faithful companions? Cats, dogs, parrots, rabbits… all pets are welcome at ours!

At the Relais we are equipped with a special set for your furry friends: a comfortable pillow for sleeping, two bowls and last but not least a delicious bag of biscuits for a sweet welcome!

We believe in the common sense of our customers and we expect that peaceful coexistence can be shared without breaking the Zen balance that hovers in our magical place.

So don’t hesitate to bring your friends with you! Aside from jumping into the pool, your animals can do (almost) everything: access the restaurant, stroll around the garden or even crouch under the sofa legs at the reception to keep us company. I repeat “under” otherwise you will hear Piera!