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Sovrano regna al centro

del mio mare denso

Un viso che a volte, non riconosco

nebuloso come schiuma a riva

Poi ancora, placido, plumbeo, vivo

Si allontana e salpa

senza ancora, a luci spente

è il riverbero del sole sulle onde,

è la chiglia di una nave vuota

involucro di tutti i miei amanti


Sovereign, it reigns at the center
of my dense sea
A face that sometimes I do not recognize,
hazy like foam on the shore
Then once again, calm, leaden, alive
It drifts away and sails on
without an anchor, with lights out
It is the sun’s reflection on the waves,
the keel of an empty ship
the shell of all my shipwrecked lovers.

Do you like it? Yes, it’s a bit melancholic, a bit bohemian… In short, it’s just like me! This is my unpublished poem for the “Innamorati a Camogli” literary contest. Did you know that you can participate too? It must be at least 12 lines long and written in Italian. The text must be sent via email.

And the prizes? Certificates for the 20 selected poems and a Special Prize: a weekend in Camogli with dinner and accommodation! A dream, right?

All you have to do is send your poem to poesie.sanvalentinocamogli@gmail.com!

Don’t be shy – I know for a fact that many of you love playing with our beautiful language… And what better occasion to dive into a short poetic composition? After all, you always say that Italian is the language of love… don’t you?