After a path made of races and chases, and of bureaucratic issues that sometimes seemed impossible to overcome, we finally succeeded: we were awarded our fourth star and today we are a four-star hotel!
The classification of a hotel is considered one of the most direct evaluation parameters regarding its quality. However, a more careful analysis shows that that’s not always true that a higher number of stars corresponds to a higher level of quality: for example it happens – and not infrequently – that a hotel which was classified as “luxury” fifty years ago still maintains today the same wording only because no one over the years has actually verified whether it maintained the standards required over time. For us, on the other hand, it was the opposite: we wanted to give our best from the beginning of the project from all points of view, starting from the renovation carried out using high-level materials and furniture, to the services, arriving to the ingredients used to prepare the delicacies for our customers.
We really did our best and it is right that our commitment should also be recognized by the authorities. And here we are: we are happy, therefore, to have reached this fourth star without having to change, without blurring ourselves to return to empty and impersonal parameters. We remained what we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses, we proposed for what we are worth, trying to show our potential to others, and a magical thing happened: even the bureaucracy understood it, that a Albergo Diffuso can never be judged on the same line as a normal hotel because it has innate characteristics in the type of hospitality that make it unique and special.
And then let’s say it: we are not really ordinary! When the message is strong, there are no deaf people: believe in yourself regardless of who is in front of you to judge, because when the passion is great, you feel it! Are we proud of this milestone? How not to be!!! And to celebrate we have already uncorked one: cheers!