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The scorching heat and rocky shores are not your cup of tea? Neither are busy beaches and sand in your costume? Don’t feel left out, because there’s a third alternative: a fresh, sheltered and hidden natural lake where you can enjoy the shade and clear water in full contact with nature. How does it sound to you?

As kids we often had to deal with too hot days and too crowded beaches and many times the only comfort we found has been in the small natural shelters scattered around the hinterland of our province; first of all the Borgomaro lakes, easily reachable by walking five minutes from the Relais towards Maro Castello, on the main street. The first, the Madonna lake, is located just below the road by the pharmacy. The lake of the mill is instead at the end of the town, just below the “Laghetti” sign: from here you only have to go towards the river…simple, isn’t it?

Another must-visit is the Lecchiore lake: since it is impossible to reach by car, you will have to leave your car in the church square of Lecchiore or if you are lucky at the crossroads with the Madonna dell’Acqua Santa Sanctuary. Then continue on the paved road and enter the woods, always remaining on the main path until you see a clearing. At this point, take the small road which deviates and descends on the right until you cross an iron bridge. After a few tens of meters, at the branch turn left. At the end of your journey, rock spikes and waterfalls of fresh water will be the welcome greeting of a small corner of paradise…et voilà! Going further west you will then find the lakes of Pietrabruna.

If you are a lover of free bikinis, you should also know that there are numerous small lakes and waterfalls along the Rio Briga, but one ravine more than others has conquered the top of the ranking; here’s how to get there: just before arriving in Pietrabruna, at the intersection where you will see the PIETRABRUNA 3,4 sign, turn right; then leave the car at the clearing after a few hundred meters and continue on foot.

If the distance is not a problem, extend the journey to the adjacent Argentina Valley: from the lower Badalucco to the Noci lake in Molini di Triora, the stream will give you lots of ideas to find your ideal place: just pull up the car on the way and take a look towards the river!

Finally, are you a Game of Thrones lover? Well, then know that the Rio Carne in Pigna, in the Val Nervia, was the destination of summer vacation for the star actress of the series, Emilia Clarke!

Enjoy some relaxed and chilled times in the lakes of our beautiful Liguria!